Monday 10 October 2016

Im back

So its 75 days until christmas and as usual im exited for christmas instead of hallowen, waaaaww. But last year the days went so long, so i've learnt that if you start being exited for christmas early it will come faster, and i have decided the blog will start every October and end just after new year!
I know this blog isnt popular at all but this is a fun way for me to be exited for christmas and spread the christmas chear! But this year im starting to worry cause my friend has said that her mum told her cause shes getting older she will not get any presents from santa anymore, but i told her, because Santa IS real its up to him when your old enough to stop getting presents, i hope i get presents from Santa forever, and then after i will stop getting presents i would LOVE to work at Lapland, what about you?? x

go to
for some christmas fun, check it out!! 

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